Friday, August 10, 2018


Candace Savage is a Canadian writer, nature-lover and (wait for it) crow-lover. She has written two books about crows and related birds, "Bird Brains" and "Crows". I gave "Bird Brains" four stars, and recommend it, especially to the general reader. Unfortunately, "Crows" is a much worse book: fewer pictures, confusing lay-out, and less interesting text. Or, to be more precise, the text is interesting, but Savage jumps from subject to subject in such a manner, that the book becomes quite pointless.

It feels as if "Crows" is a ragtag collection of leftovers from "Bird Brains". Whatever didn't make it into that book, has been used here instead, regardless of context or logic. "Crows" contain short Native legends about ravens, a section on crows and ravens as tool-users, something about ravens tricking other ravens, and a weird story about a scientist who was persecuted by all crows in his home state! There is also some information about crow family life, including crow altruism. Yet, when I finished the book, I still didn't feel any more clever than at the beginning...

If you only want to buy one of Clarence Savage's crow books, buy the other one, "Bird Brains". If you absolutely want to buy both (rich kid, huh?), read "Bird Brains" first and take this one with a slight grain of salt.

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