Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hitler is in heaven, partying

"Tuning In" is a rather dragging documentary featuring a number of "channels", human mediums who claim to be conveying messages from spirit-beings. Their messages turn out to be the usual blend of New Age, New Thought and ACIM. The spirit-guides controlling the mediums have names like Bashar, Kryon and Torah. One of the mediums use American English, except when channeling the Pleiadian Collective (aliens from the Pleiades star system), who apparently prefer to communicate in Australian English! Another medium claims to be channeling Tobit (Tobias), mentioned in the OT Apocrypha.

So what is the message of these discarnate entities? There is no "god" in the strict sense, since the universe, including its spiritual dimensions, is All-That-Is. Jesus was a great teacher, or a pure archetype, but not the Son of God. The material world is a grand illusion, there is no sin and hence no punishment in a life after death, we are all immortal parts of the divine, and we all create our own reality. There are no victims, since all suffering is self-willed and self-caused. All deaths are really suicides. No real evil exist and we must experience darkness as deeply as possible in other to "integrate" it. Those who only seek the light are deluded, you must also seek the dark.

An obvious objection, apparently raised by the filmmakers, is: what about Hitler and the Holocaust? The responses of the "channels" are shocking, but instructive. The Holocaust was just a kind of play or game. When the play was over and the curtain went down, everyone rose and threw a big party for Hitler. I'm not joking, one of the channels *actually say this*! Hitler was a "catalyst for growth" for those who died in the Holocaust, or perhaps a brave soul who volunteered to become part of the darkness...

The only person who tries to mellow this bizarre message somewhat is Darryl Anka, whose spirit-guide Bashar seems to be mimicking the Seth Material. He suggests that evil is the inevitable but unintended result of certain collective patterns of consciousness, which are our own products but nevertheless have a certain quasi-independence. Hitler was an opportunity for growth "on a soul level", but not on "the human level". Well, thank you. I think.

"Tuning In" (and dropping out?) confirmed what I long suspected about certain subsets of the New Age milieu: there message of "unconditional love" really comes with a strong dose of arsenic. It's all part of the play, I suppose.

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