Thursday, August 23, 2018

Great wrong righted

The Man Who Met Mao 

Amazon actually sells a whole string of pretty bizarre postage stamps. Naturally, I had to chime in...

This is a stamp souvenir sheet I could well give to Western neo-Buddhists, New Age believers and, I suppose, the Neo-Neo-Advaitins as a gag gift when the Moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Or was it Lilith the Dark Moon? And then, perhaps not. I suppose that depends on how "integral" their humor might be! Why Rwanda, of all places, would issue a stamp sheet like this (showing the Dalai Lama's visit to China in 1954) is beyond me, but perhaps some smart business man from Frisco tipped them off about the commercial possibilities...? I'm sure Osho would have loved this one, though. Ha ha ha.

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