Saturday, August 25, 2018

God loves chewing beetles

The bombardier beetle is a curious insect which has become something of a creationist icon. The reason is its explosive defence mechanism, which creationists argue can't be the result of chance or gradual evolution. "Bomby the Bombardier Beetle" is intended for children, and is published by the Institute for Creation Research (ICR).

I'm not a creationist, nor do I believe in talking beetles, but my main objection to this book is that it's incredibly bad even on its own turf. It's extremely confusing, there's no plot, and the religious message seems to have been largely forgotten (although Bomby does learn that God created bombardier beetles "thousands of years ago").

As another reviewer pointed out, the glossary is pretty strange, too. Thus, we learn that "stories" mean "more than one story", and that a "tiger" is a "large fierce cat". "Munching", apparently, means "chew with vigor". Indeed, the author seems obsessed with beetles chewing. I sometimes got the impression that Bomby and his father aren't doing much else besides in this story! The cover is different, too.

Only one star for Bomby, Father and Grandfather Bomb...

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