Friday, August 10, 2018


OK, I admit it. I don't like insects. And judging by the insect attacks I had to endure as a kid, the feeling's probably mutual. Flies, wasps,'s real and it's personal. Arachnids? Even worse. The only arthropods I can suffer are butterflies. On a really good day (!), I can also suffer moths.

Since I'm more or less phobic to insects and other creepy bugs (the word "creepy" is redundant when placed immediately before "bug"), I guess I should HATE this book, and VOMIT all over the floor. After all, this is a COOKBOOK about how to EAT bugs.

So am I? Nupe. I say: Three cheers for David George Gordon and his Eat-a-bug Cookbook! Two, three, many Vietnams for the Arthropoda! EAT THEM BEFORE THEY MULTIPLY!

Warning: if you are *really*, clinically afraid of insects, spiders or scorpios, please *don't* buy this book. It contains color photos of locusts, dragonflies, scorpios, waterbugs and centipedes served on a dinner table...

PS. David G. actually doesn't eat the tarantula at the book cover. That's Doris, his pet!

Recommended? Well, if more people would be enthomophages, perhaps the world would be a BETTER PLACE.

Just leave the swallow-tails and hawkmoths alone, willya.


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