Saturday, August 11, 2018

Blood and fire

Amazon actually sells the flag of the Salvation Army, which prompted me to post this review. Good luck selling the flag now, when you purged me! LOL.

The Salvation Army isn't an actual military formation, despite their uniforms, but a Christian denomination in the Methodist tradition. They were originally formed in Britain over a century ago by William Booth. In Sweden, they are considered respectable, but perhaps somewhat peculiar, due to their "military" marches, salutes and uniforms. Many of the members are women of all ages, so it seems females really have joined the army of God. In other European nations, the Salvation Army has sometimes been regarded as a "cult". Perhaps they just look too funny in their gear... 

Otherwise, the "army" feeds the needy and the homeless, runs stores selling used clothes and furniture, and preaches the gospel. A few years ago, a Salvation Army band even entered the Eurovision Song Contest (representing Switzerland), under the cover name TAKASA (The Artists Known as the Salvation Army)! That being said, I'm somewhat surprised that magFlags sells their flag. Isn't it copyrighted? Or is salvation, ahem, free...?

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