Friday, August 17, 2018

Blood and boredom


A review of "Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome" 

“Battlestar Galactica” was originally a Mormon (!) science fiction series. The new version doesn't seem to feature Joseph Smith's faithful, although I admit I haven't delved very deeply into the franchise. In this prequel, a young William Adama is pitted against Terminator-inspired “Cylons” on an icy planet deep inside enemy space. The Cylon protagonistas (who are completely evil for reasons never explained) are rogue robots once created by humanity as a servant race.

OK, let me guess. They don't like Neo-Confederate Mormonite slavocrats and want revenge?

Instead of exploiting the social justice angle, our warriors turn out to be the usual run-of-the-mill stereotypes: the young and cocky rookie, the demoralized old vet who can't wait to sign off, and the mystery female who turns out to be a traitor (of course she is, speaking English with a Russian accent and being married to an evil monotheist). And yes, the Cylons look like the robots in “Terminator”, but I already said that. The obligatory sex scene featuring the young hero and The Woman is there, too. As for the secret mission, it all turns out to be a conspiracy hatched by Earth Command, but this is said to be all for the greater good of the Galaxy and the stupid hoi polloi in the pews back home. Adama accepts this sacred wisdom, gets his fighter plane and continues the war, order restored.

Although I'm not a pacifist (time to bomb those real Cylons of ISIS, maybe?), I can't say I liked the undertone of “Blood & Chrome”. But then, I haven't watched the rest of the series, so perhaps I misunderstood something…

A relatively boring film, despite the occasional plot twists, and probably only worth two stars.

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