Saturday, August 25, 2018

Bigfoot business as usual

Previously posted on Amazon.

The fifth season (wrongly titled “sixth season” by Amazon) of “Finding Bigfoot” features Turtleman, Jeff Meldrum and Wes Sumerlin's family.

Otherwise, everything is pretty much as usual in Squatchland. The BFRO team is interviewing eye witnesses of a very varied quality, from seemingly trustworthy to obvious recreational liars. The night investigations are just as boring and inconclusive as usual, forcing the producers to spice them with prankish ideas, such as luring in a Bigfoot with the aid of a high school drummer band?! Also as usual, the evidence from the Pacific Northwest seems more convincing than the stuff from the rest of the United States…

Good, if you're into crypto-zoology or the paranormal, and have a certain sense of humour (after all, the accompanying book to this show is intended for kids!). Somewhat boring and dragging, if your heart lays elsewhere. Still, I'm willing to give Matt, Cliff, Ranae and the Boboburger four stars for ol' times sake.
Tally ho!

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