Thursday, August 23, 2018

Atoms are not sentient

Charles Darwin was a highly aberrant ape, a product of a blind process which didn't have him in mind. All of his “moral” pronouncements were simply aberrantly selected examples of selfish gene promotion. Some (such as his abolitionism) may have been maladaptive, and would eventually have been selected against. Others (such as his statement that the “lower races” were destined to destruction) sound more in keeping with the needs of biological fitness. 

As a product of a blind and utterly indifferent cosmos, Charles Roger was nevertheless something of a pattern-seeker, and hence “discovered” a pattern he called “evolution”, which he counterpoised to another pattern, called “Christianity”. The corrosive effects on group selection of the former (and its attendant patterns “atheism” and “agnosticism”), suggest that the aberrant apes ironically known as “Homo sapiens sapiens” may be at a genetic dead-end, and that cockroaches (Blattella germanica) or lice (Phthirapthera) may once again rule the land, if they can ween themselves from their dependency on this particular creature and its “cultural” artifacts (many of whom are peculiar, to say the least, from the viewpoint of selection- and mutation-driven change, such as “Big Brother”, “Mozart”, “Eurovision Song Contest” and “Mona Lisa”). 

Of course, certain isolated sub-populations of “Man” might still have enough survival skills to be selected for survival by the blind watchmaker, including the flock known as “ISIS” and the alpha male known as “Vladimir Putin”. As for the strange artifacts mentioned above, the blind mechanism behind them might be an aberrant variety of sexual selection. Like the male peacock, who spouts a huge tail for the lady birds only to be ultimately eaten by leopards, “art”, “music” and “Youtube” probably plays this function among statistically-cladistically relevant subsections of the Homo pseudo-ape. 

The exact biological functions of “the theory of evolution” itself remains less clear (not to mention “the Big Bang” or “quantitative easing”), but some kind of purely chemical explanation cannot be ruled out, perhaps an aberrant behavior when eating certain kinds of fruit, Homo having “invented” something known as “agriculture” (another version among ants work just fine). 

Yours truly, Robot Abrasax, Roswell UFO station 51, on his way back to Havona and the Chief Controller. Over and out. CLASSIFIED ADDENDUM: Whoever built us and our robotic race, “Homo sapiens sapiens” were clearly not involved. Or evolved.

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