Sunday, August 26, 2018

All hail to Marxism-Beninism!

This is the review in which I "challenged" Amazon to sell the flag of the Khmer Rouge...which they subsequently actually did do! Be careful what you wish for, commander....

This is fabulous, just fabulous. It's the actual flag of...wait for it...the People's Republic of Benin, i.e. the Marxist-Leninist regime which ruled this small West African nation from 1974 to 1990. The flag of the People's Revolutionary Party is red with a green star, BTW. I'm still waiting for Amazon to start selling, say, the flags of Ceausescu's Romania, Enver Hoxha's Albania or Pol Pot's "Democratic Kampuchea". However, it seems Comrade Jeff Bezos is on the right track...

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