Saturday, August 11, 2018

A word of warning

Notorious controversialist “Arthur C Clarke” (one of Colin Wilson's many pen-names) have penned this poor excuse of a book together with two underpaid ghostwriters. All the so-called mysteries included in this supermarket tabloid style volume have been thoroughly debunked by NASA, FDA, NSA, WHO and other responsible organizations. For instance, the talking dandelion of Urur was really the planet Venus seen in a Roswell duck pond. The Illuminati doesn't exist. We know this on the authority of Hillary Clinton herself. Nor is “Childhood's End” a true story, as meticulously documented by Michael Shermer in his award-winning book (CSICOP Awards 1984) “The Gorilla Has No Teeth. The Bigfoot Problematique in Skeptical Retrospect”.

It's true that many UFO sightings, crystal skull sightings and Virgin Mary apparitions are currently inexplicable, but that doesn't prove they can't be explained by appeals to the canons of strict Austrian positivism. And even if they can't, you're probably an enemy of progress and civilization who want to abolish penicillin and deny evolution if you point that out in the first place!!!

Indeed, herein lies the greatest and gravest danger of “books” (I use that word freely here) of this kind: they impede the ability of the hoi polloi to *think*, more specifically think like those of us who have lit a scientific kandle in the dark and know that, of course, there is no such thing as a living coelacanth…

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