Sunday, August 26, 2018

A life in the North Woods

If you're a super-nerd with little real life outside the local damselfly haunts, this little book is just what you need. Former butterfly aficionado Mike Reese and constant aquatic ecologist Bob DuBois brings us "Damselflies of the North Woods", an identification guide to all 46 species of Zygoptera found in the lush forests around the Great Lakes. They have names like Aurora Damsel, Rainbow Bluet, Violet Dancer and American Rubyspot. Let me guess. They were named by a damselfly nerd? All photos are in colour, and apart from the species presentations, there are introductory chapters on observation, collection and basic damselfly biology. There's also a glossary with wonderful new words such as cerci, exuviae, pterothorax and pruinosity. Part of the North Woods Naturalist Series, this field guide is printed on hardy paper and goes down easily in your pocket. I wonder what Thoreau and Emerson would have done with this material? And yes, you need to get out more!

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