Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Another monster gets away

A review of the MonsterQuest episode "Sea Monsters" 

In this episode of History Channel's never-ending quest for the Holy Grail of Monsterhood, Doug Hajicek and his indefatigable research team (or television crew?) travel to Florida in search for a legendary sea monster.

A couple of locals have been taping the monsters in a local river (?) for several years (!!), and have decided to give the monster hunters exclusive rights to the footage.

Or something.

Even yours truly suspected something fishy, and the surprisingly patient scientists who show themselves on this program (I hope they get paid!) are about evenly divided between the "monster" being a seal or a sea cow, two relatively innocuous creatures. Especially the sea cow. I mean, can you possibly get more docile than that? We're talking evolutionary dead-end major time.

My private theory (which I don't really believe in) is that the Florida Sea Monster is a Stellar's Sea Cow on Caribbean holiday. I hope it gets away! Maybe it did, 'cause know what, Hajicek & Co didn't find no monster this time neither, LOL.

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