Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Where are the stock brokers?

"Vampires in America" is a documentary featuring a self-proclaimed "psychic vampire" (sic), a woman in a scarlet dress who claims to be a real vampire, a bunch of sociopaths, and gruesome vampire legends from a small, 19th century New England town.

We also meet Elizabeth Bathory or the Blood Countess, a 17th century Hungarian noblewoman and (supposed) serial killer who bathed in the blood of her own victims to keep herself perpetually young. MonsterQuest's Central European geography could need some honing, though, since Bathory's castle was situated in modern Slovakia, not modern Hungary. I've actually visited the castle ruins once - they were covered with Satanist graffiti!

Unfortunately, this episode is too confusing to really hit home, although the local superstitions in backwoods America 200 years ago were scary enough. Naturally, they are blamed on a East European "quack doctor" who passed through the community...

Perhaps surprisingly, there are no stock brokers or congressmen featured in this production. Yet, the title is "Vampires in America".

At least, the "scientific" experiments carried out by the MonsterQuest team proved that the scarlet woman wasn't really a vampire, LOL.

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