Saturday, August 25, 2018

Wanted: A leftist campaign against Islamism

No relation 

"Muslim Hate Groups on Campus" is a short pamphlet also available free on the web. It details the origins and activities of two anti-Zionist/anti-Jewish groups active on U.S. campuses, the Muslim Student Association (MSA) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

The author easily proves that the MSA is really a front for the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood. It supports Hamas, Hizbollah and even Palestinian Islamic Jihad. While neither MSA nor the Brotherhood has formal ties with Al-Qaeda (an even more extreme organization), a whole roster of former MSA activists later joined Osama Bin Laden's terrorist networks. MSA's strategy is to deny all connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and put itself forward as the legitimate voice of all Muslim students on campus, even entering into "dialogue" with Jewish organizations. By contrast, the SJP is more militant and action-oriented. Nominally a secular organization, the SJP was founded by a member of - guess what - the Muslim Brotherhood. Interestingly, the SJP also regroups the International Socialist Organization, the former American co-thinkers of the British Socialist Workers' Party! Some things really are the same the world over...

The author of this exposé of Islamist front groups is affiliated with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and the pamphlet is promoted by Robert Spencer's website Jihad Watch. This would make it very right wing by my definitions (I tend more towards the left). Still, I found "Muslim Hate Groups on Campus" interesting, despite the provocative title. A provocative question would be why no leftist version of this pamphlet exists? By Muslim fundamentalist standards, secular leftists aren't even "protected peoples of the book", but outright infidels to be killed! It's also a fact that both Republican and Democratic administrations have used Muslim fundamentalists to do their dirty work in the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere. There is a progressive case against so-called Islamism.

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