Sunday, August 19, 2018

Waiter, there´s a Smurf in my soup

The Smurfs are tiny blue elfs, three apples tall, living in the Cursed Country which ordinary mortals can reach only by playing a magic flute or following a stork. This makes it almost impossible for their perennial adversary, the wizard Gargamel, to find them. The rest of humanity has no such problem. I mean, we've been flooded by Smurf comics, cartoons, plastic figures and “songs” for decades! In Sweden, “Smurf” has even become a slang word, meaning “silly person”. In American gaming, a “Smurf” is apparently an experienced player who poses as a newbie in order to sucker the unwary. And yes, they are constantly accused of being Communists or Satanists…

Guys, it's a comic for first-grade elementary school kids, for crying out loud!

In “Smurf Soup”, Gargamel gives a giant named Bigmouth directions to Smurf Village in the hope that he will consume the adorable blue midgets alive. Unfortunately for the wizard, Bigmouth is so incredibly silly that the Smurfs easily trick him into consuming Smurf soup, really a magical potion that turns him into a blue-skinned monster (but without the ability to actually scare anybody). Naturally, the giant then turns on Gargamel. Major comic relief follows, as the magician vainly attempts to cure Bigmouth's affliction…

Yes, I *did* think this was funny when I was around 7 years of age. :D

This edition of “Smurf Soup” also includes two stories I'm unfamiliar with, “The Clockwork Smurf” and “Gargamel and the Crocodile”.
I didn't even know he had one!

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