Thursday, August 16, 2018

Vanilla Satanism?

A review of "Paths to Satan: A Guide to Contemporary Satanism" by Martin McGreggor 

Are we to believe this little book, Satanists are law-abiding U.S. citizens who occasionally summon demons, indulge themselves in the seven deadly sins, and practice power meditation to strengthen their personal resolve. Some have libertarian-capitalist ethics. They also celebrate Yule and Halloween, but usually don't dress in devil's attire.

Satanism is really a form of ancient polytheism, Satan being our real high god. Satanic ritual abuse doesn't exist. While morality and spirituality are two different things, Satanists promoting the latter, they are nevertheless very law-abiding. They offer blood during their initiation rituals, but strangely enough never sacrifice animals, let alone humans. (Where does the blood come from?) Above all, they are good, law-abiding citizens. Did I mention that that they strictly follow the law?

Christians, on the other hand…! I mean, look at the inquisitions, the massacres in the Old Testament or the Satanic scare, where's the goodness in all that?

If you like your Satanism vanilla-flavored, this might be your cup of milk shake. If you are, say, a real Satanist, this might not be what you are looking for. Unless, of course, the vanilla is really spiced with something much more venomous.




  1. Just imagine. The people in this world who are devoted to and are idealizing the the main symbol of evil in our culture, are never evil. Bot those who worship a person lika Jesus are much more often evil. Believe it if you can.

  2. Unfortunately, I can believe the second proposition - but not the first...

  3. Btw, did you know that Michael Aquino commented one of my reviews (not posted yet). Unfortunately, I don´t think I ever downloaded or saved his comment, and now it´s gone. It was a quite nice comment on my review of his book "Morlindalë", a kind of LOTR fan fiction...

    Yes, *that* Michael Aquino. See, Kire, I really am The Master! ;-)

  4. And here comes the review...
