Saturday, August 25, 2018

The undiscovered Klingons

“The Undiscovered Country” is a typical Trekkie film. Faboulous if you're first and last love in life (and the universe) is finding out more about The United Federation of Planets and their complex relationship with the rest of the Star Trek universe…and probably immensely boring (or even incomprehensible) if you belong to another galaxy sub-population. This is the movie where the Federation (and James Tiberius Kirk) finally attempts a peace deal with the Klingon Empire, a bit like Americans and Russians finally becoming friends. Trekkies will note the discrepancies between the Klingons in this film, and those in later versions of the Star Trek saga. They will also note that Worf is Kirk's defense counselor. They might not note that the shape shifting alien at the penal colony is starred by David Bowie's wife! Not sure how to rate this Shakespeare-obsessed little drama, but I give it three stars for the effort. But, as I said, probably too in-house.

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