Friday, August 24, 2018

The dwaads are off

"Decanates" is a rather boring astrology book about, well, decanates. Some information on dwaads has been thrown in, too. Don't know what in heaven's name (pun intended) that is? Tough!

This little book is probably intended as reference material for practicing astrologers, rather than for the public-at-large. For the general reader, I rather recommend Sasha Fenton's "Hidden Zodiac". Interesting information for the causally interested in this subject (decans and duads, remember?) can also be found on the web.

But yes, if you already know the basics of horoscope interpretation, this might come in handy. Therefore I give it the OK rating. But don't tell me I didn't warn you!

For those who wonder (having come this far, I know that you do), each birth signs is divided into three decanates and twelve dwaads. Thus, if you are, say, a Scorpio born in mid-November, you are very different from a Scorpio born in, say, late October.

Or so the speculation goes. But, as we all know by now, according to James Randi, astrology aint okey.

I suppose that means the dwaads are off... ;-)

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