Thursday, August 16, 2018

Technical problems

A review of "Baba Deep Singh: Den Store Martyren och Mästaren" 

Baba Deep Singh (1682 – 1757) is apparently one of the most revered Sikh martyrs. He fell in battle against the Afghans, who had desecrated the Sikh Golden Temple at Amritsar in India. According to legend, Deep Singh was decapitated by an enemy combatant, but nevertheless continued the fight with a sword in one hand and his head in the other! Eventually, he found rest outside the temple.

This children's book (complete with some gruesome battle scenes) is a Sikh production translated to the Swedish language. Apart from the story of Baba Deep Singh, it also contains Sikh criticism of Hinduism and Islam, and a lot of quotations from Sikh holy scriptures. The early part of the story is more devotional, while the latter part is more martial. The Sikh warriors are portrayed as religiously tolerant, brave and fair to the peasants and low-castes. I got the impression that the book is for older kids. Preteens?

Unfortunately, the e-book is badly formatted. At least on my Kindle device, it can't be magnified, making it extremely hard to read due to the small fonts. My eyes are hurting real bad right now! While the Swedish is understandable, it's also riddled with grammatical errors. Due to the technical problems, I will only give it two stars.

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