Saturday, August 25, 2018

I like the illustrations

"Astrology" by Jan Kurrels was the first astrology book I've read. It was published in 1979. It's a short, popularized introduction to the subject. The book is lavishly illustrated with pictures from medieval and early modern manuscripts, photos of ancient sculptures, etc. The actual text (which is quite brief) concentrates on the sun signs, but also mentions the planets and the houses. The last section shows an American on the moon, symbolizing the coming Age of Aquarius.

You can't actually use this book for anything, but it's a good introduction for absolute beginners to the ancient superstition of astrology. (Which the author actually believes in. I don't.) Kurrels' later book "Astrology for the age of Aquarius" is more boring, and much of the text is adapted almost word for word from "Astrology".

Five stars - for the pictures. (This review is based on the Swedish edition.)

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