Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blue on the outside, red on the inside. SMURF COMMUNISM EXPOSED

The Smurfs have often been accused of “Communism”. THIS COMIC ALBUM PROVES THAT THE ACCUSATION IS CORRECT!!! Should I or you call the local red squad, or the local chapter of the John Birch Society?


The plot of “The Finance Smurf” is pretty simple. The benign autocrat of the Smurf Village, Papa Smurf, is sick and unable to exercise control. In his absence, one of the Smurfs discovers money during a visit to the world of humans, and decides to introduce gold coins as a medium of exchange among his fellow Smurfs. Soon, the utopian socialist economy of Smurf Village (based on voluntary sharing and caring) is rent asunder, as wage labor, interest, collateral and tolls are introduced. The Finance Smurf starts a bank and becomes the most important personage in the community…until the other Smurfs are sick and tired of him, and “go on strike” by simply taking to the forest. Naturally, everything turns back to normal when Papa recovers.

Funny (?) detail: while “The Finance Smurf” is politically correct in terms of its socialistic understanding of matters economic (even using the phrase “the 1%” on its back cover), it's not particularly feminist. The only female Smurf, a blond bombshell known as Smurfette, spends most of her time indoors nursing the ailing Papa-patriarch back to health! The SJWs might still have some fun with this one, ha ha.

OK, three stars for the entertainment value.

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