Saturday, August 25, 2018

Ah, cousin Eustace, I believe

A review of "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" 

I feel a bit too old for this film, the third in Hollywood's Chronicles of Narnia franchise. It's more obviously a children's movie than “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” and “Prince Caspian”. But sure, the acting is superb, especially the child actor starring the notorious cousin Eustace. Even the name is annoying, I mean seriously, “Eustace”??!! LOL.

Could be scarier for the smaller kids, but otherwise, I say it has all the ingredients for a successful rainy-Saturday-afternoon-with-the-family: talking animals, dragons, sea-serpents, mermaids, invisible one-footed leprechauns…

Yes, invisible one-footed leprechauns.

As usual, Hollywood has played down the Christian themes of C. S. Lewis' original stories. Thus, we never learn that the mighty lion Aslan is really God. Instead, we get that LOTR complex again! Personally, I'm starting to feel a bit old when watching this kind of stuff, especially together with my father (who is retired). But then, I'm one of his children, after all? ;-)

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