Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Constructed Cyrillic Creole

A review of an obscure flag sold by Amazon.

This is the flag (!) of Lingua Franca Nova, a constructed language á la Esperanto and Ido. LFN, as the lingo is known to its fan base on the web, has a vocabulary based on the Romance languages (no surprise there) and a grammar apparently inspired by Creole languages (presumably the point of the operation). The nerds-only character of LFN can be seen from the fact that it uses two alternate alphabets, Latin and Cyrillic (the latter not used by any actual Romance language, unless you count Moldavian during the Soviet period). Of course, the fact that the LFN users have adopted a flag simply compounds the nerdy impression. But then, Esperantists and Idists have flags of their own, so I suppose there are precedents…

Finally, a sample text: “La Asemblea Jeneral proclama esta Declara Universal de Diretos Umana como un ideal comun per la aspira de tota poplas e nasiones, afin cada person e cada organo sosial, con esta Declara en mente constante, va promove la respeta de esta diretos e librias par eleva e instrui, e par mesuras progresante, e nasional e internasional, va securi la reconose e aplica universal e produosa, entre la poplas de la statos parteninte e de la teritorios su se autoria legal.”

Amen. Or perhaps amenido.

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