Tuesday, September 18, 2018

YPG is marching, ISIS tremble

Amazon sells YPG flags, which prompted me to post this little pitch. 

The Syrian Democratic Forces (plus the US Air Force) recently liberated the city of Manbij in northern Syria from the terrorist group which calls itself "Islamic State" (or ISIS). This is the flag of the YPG, the dominant group within the SDF. The YPG is really a northern Syrian branch of the PKK, the Kurdish Workers' Party. The Communist PKK used to be some kind of "enemy number one" of the West and its allies during the Cold War and beyond, but it seems Realpolitik has made at least its Syrian branch an ally of the United States. The PKK proper is presently engaged in armed struggle against Erdogan's regime in Turkey, which may or may not put the US in an awkward position, since Turkey is a NATO member. Nobody knows how this bout with Machiavelli will end, but if forced to chose between left-wing Kurdish rebels backed by the USAF and the "Islamic State", I chose the former anytime. We can sort out the Communist/Democratic Confederalism stuff later. For now, let's make ISIS tremble!

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