Saturday, August 11, 2018

Seeking the sublime

A review of "Turner: His Life and Works in 500 Images"

This is a voluminous book about the life and art of J M W Turner, the “painter of light” who rocked the British art world during the 19th century. The author, a former arts dealer turned scholar, regards Turner as a forerunner to Impressionism, Expressionism and the avant-garde, apparently selling arguments in today's cultural climate. Turner was highly controversial already during his lifetime, and yet managed to become a member of the Royal Academy. He was a Romantic, a “liberal” and a notoriously difficult and niggardly man. Seeking the Sublime in his art, Turner became a friend of John Ruskin, who was almost obsessed with defending his paintings. I admit that he isn't one of *my* favorites. I get the impression that Joseph Mallord William was a fat, sated opponent of Napoleon! But sure, he did come close to the elusive Sublime in some of his works… If Turner is your cup of afternoon tea, this book might be just what you are looking for.

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