Saturday, August 25, 2018

Red Hawk speaks

"Custer's Last Battle" is a children's book about General Custer's last stand at Little Bighorn in 1876. This is the most recent edition from 2013. The original version was published in 1969. Joe Medicine Crow has written a foreword. "Red Hawk's" narrative is fiction, but based on various published eye-witness accounts of the battle. The author, Paul Goble, occasionally breaks the flow of the story, inserting factual background information. Personally, I consider the book pretty uninteresting, and would probably have done so even as a kid. But that's me.

An intriguing detail is the identity of the publishers: Wisdom Tales is an imprint of World Wisdom, the supporters of Traditionalist writer Frithjof Schuon in Bloomington, Indiana. In a sense, this is therefore a "conservative" defence of Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull against Custer and the U.S. Army. Schuon was a great admirer of the American Indians and their spirituality.

Not sure how to rate "Custer's Last Battle", but since it could be of some interest to Traditionalist-watchers (and, I suppose, Traditionalists), I give it three stars.

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