Friday, August 24, 2018

Lucia is a girl, read it here

Why do politically correct Twitter activists suddenly want to turn Lucia into a boy???

I think I know why!

The tweeting "leftists" are really a bunch of COVERT ANTI-FEMINIST PROVOCATEURS.

Think about it. All cool characters in a Lucia procession are womyn: the Lucia herself, her maids, and sometimes even the gnomes (long before the present culture wars). Some of the "ginger biscuits" are female, too. The only all-male preserve in the celebration are the uncool, embarrassing-looking "star boys". They wear a dunce cap and hold a ridiculously large golden star, and only sing one song?!

Of course these sexist boys-of-a-failure want to invade the exclusive preserve of the Cool, Mesmerizing (and Sexy) Girlz! They have enlisted a large number of unlikely allies, too, including one Jihad Joe. A feminist? I think not!!!

So read my lips, Joe: Lucia is and shall forever remain a girl. End of story, period. You can take it from me.
I'm a liberal. I voted Stefan Löfvén!

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