Monday, September 10, 2018

Who dares, wins

Probably an review of a anti-2012 Mayan Apocalypse T-shirt, but I no longer remember... 

I suppose I should wait until December 22, 2012 (Eastern Standard Time) until I post a review of this product, but I just can't help myself!

Besides, who doesn't want to be the first to review a T-shirt that will sell like crazy after the failure of the pseudo-Mayan apocalypse, set to happen on December 21 (Central American Time, presumably).

Yes, boss, you *can* order it for X-mas, Hanukah or Kwanzaa - delivery by Santa & Rudolf is guaranteed, and if something stops it, it's more likely to be a car line on the interstate than the planet Nibiru crashing down on our Wal-Marts. A tip: if you are on a first name basis with Archdruid John Michael Greer (author of Apocalypse Not), this might be the perfect gift for him at the upcoming Winter Solstice, Stonehenge Time.

I can guarantee you all that the world won't go under on December 21. And if it does, I will be long gone anyway, so you can't catch me! Nor can your consumer rights agency. :P

Ascended Master Ashtar Quetzalcoatl, over and out.

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