Monday, September 10, 2018

Get over it, black panthers are real

"The Black Beast of Exmoor" is an attempt by "MonsterQuest" to come to terms with the weird reports of black panthers and other out-of-place big cats in the British countryside. The team travels to Exmoor, looking into the evidence for the famed Black Beast of Exmoor. Even the British marines have been sent in to find and kill the monster, with no success.

As usual, the episode ends inconclusively. Still, it's quite interesting - we get to meet eye-witnesses, one of the Marines, and sceptical big cat experts. Footage of purported black panthers is analyzed. Most show domestic cats, but the 1994 piece of film is rejected somewhat prematurely by "MonsterQuest" in my opinion.

If that's a domestic cat, it's a pretty large one! :D

Get over it, guys, England's greenest hills are TEEMING with hybrid black cats. It's a daimonic thing. I'm sure William Blake understands...

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