Tuesday, September 11, 2018

There is no such thing as peak LSD

A review of a badge with the caption "I´m smiling because I have no idea what´s going on" 

"There is no such thing as peak oil. There is only peak experience."

This badge sums up my attitude until I discovered...ahem...accepted the grim realities of peak oil and overpopulation. Frankly, I'm still not getting it. Why? Well, I'm obviously not crying, am I? I mean, if things around here get awry, we can just reincarnate on a better planet, the one with the green unicorns and lilac blackbirds?



  1. https://kiremaj70.blogspot.com/2013/04/min-brors-losning-pa-problemet.html

  2. Your brother is on to something... :-)
