Monday, September 17, 2018

The top of the world

I've been looking through the list of Hillary Clinton endorsers. She has recieved support from a wide variety of organizations and individuals. Some stand out. Thus, a semi-formal group of Nevada sex workers known as Hookers for Hillary have offered their (semi-formal?) endorsement.

Wikipedia, citing Politico, describes the strange cabal thusly: "The group, which claims a membership of 500 prostitutes, is not registered with the Federal Elections Commission as a political action committee and does not, therefore, directly provide political donations. Its members, instead, evangelize support of Clinton to their clients and have, in some instances, reportedly offered enhanced sexual services to existing customers in exchange for direct donations to Clinton's presidential campaign."

Wiki may delete this (admittedly bizarre) entry soon, since it doesn't follow their so-called notability guidelines. No? Why not? I mean, they *are* with Her, right? And presumably on top of things, too...

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