Tuesday, September 11, 2018

OK, I admit it. I'm a wimp

A review of a unicorn poster on sale at Amazon.

I hate to admit it, but...

I have a unicorn poster above my bed. In the living room.

It's even more wimpish, childish and girlie than the one shown at this product page. It shows an entire unicorn family, complete with a sweet little foal. They stand in the middle of a forest at a moonlit night, with a fantasy castle in the background.

I suppose I will loose some "street cred" after this revelation.

I mean, you always pictured me as a hard-nosed, super-cynical, worldly-wise ex-soldier with combat experience from three continents, or at least as a seasoned activist on the "culture war" barricades, ever ready to tear a wimpish new ager or naïve Christian girl scout to shreds in the name of Hard & Cold Reality. And now it turns out that Ashtar Command (or Comrade Günther the Tempered & Steeled, as I used to be known at Riot Gear Forum-West Berlin) has a bunch of petty-bourgeois UNICORNS at his bedside??!!

I suppose not even the Light Workers of the Star-seeded Bigfoot or Meak Crusade for Campus Christ will want to have me as a member after this...sob.

But then, I suppose I could request political asylum in North Korea.


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