Monday, September 17, 2018

Magnum Bonum

Good heavens forfend, no, I *hate* skaters! Skating became popular in Sweden when I was a kid. The local authorities built a huge skating ramp (or whatever they are called) in the local park to accomodate the young Visigoths, but the fad had died out by the time the ramp was finished, so for years, we had a huge, beuatiful, wooden and completely empty ramp in our park?! It was eventually demolished...and then the skateboarding fad started again! LOL.

The reason why I don't really like these guys (I think) is that they are so un-Swedish, taking over public spaces, bumping right into you in the metro, refusing to wear safety helmets, etc. Remember: despite its liberal reputation, Sweden was actually very conformist and boring until about twenty years ago. Besides, skateboards are DANGEROUS FOR THE SKATER, so Big Brother naturally had to intervene. Refusing to wear a safety helmet while riding a bike (or something) is a classical way for Swedish kids and teenagers to show how dangerous, independent and utterly anarchistic they are.

Perhaps I'm on the wrong side of history here, but I've been so completely brainwashed by the nanny state that I still give rash Visigothic skaters a bad feelz look when I see them at the Grand Central...

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