Attack" might be one of the few useful episodes of the perennially boring
"MonsterQuest", a History Channel series with a vaguely
"scientific" angle on cryptozoology and the paranormal. (In reality,
the series is intended as entertainment.)
This particular episode follows a team of scientists, among them Jeff Meldrum, who try to procure hard evidence for the existence of Bigfoot or Sasquatch, the famed but elusive ape-man of North America. The team heads for an isolated fishing cabin at Snelgrove Lake in Ontario, Canada. They are attacked in the middle of the night by somebody or something throwing stones at the cabin, something no native animal can do. A bed of screws shows what could be a footprint. Meldrum and his team manage to procure some blood and hair, but the DNA tests on the physical evidence are inconclusive. The official lab can't find any DNA at all, while an unofficial, pro-Bigfoot test made by a team member supposedly reveals that the DNA comes from an ape more closely related to humans than chimps...
There the matter ends, with some suggestive facts (the stone-throwing at the cabin, which scared the living daylights out of the scientists inside) but no *really* hard evidence. Somehow, it feels like business as usual in squatchland. However, I admit that this show was more interesting (or squatchy?) than MonsterQuest is on average, with the exception of the claim that an earlier break-in at the cabin was the result of Bigfoot activity. That was obviously a bunch of rampaging humans...
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