Friday, September 7, 2018

Wadde hadde dude da

This is the first "real" Eurovision CD, featuring all 24 songs from the Eurovision Song Contest held in Stockholm in 2000. At least to Euro-freaks like myself, ESC 2000 comes across as a good year, with many classical entries. Who doesn't remember Ines, Brainstorm, Alsou, Nicki French, Claudette Pace, The Olsen Brothers, Serafin Zubiri...

Sweden was represented by the flamboyant Roger Pontare, whose Native American shaman act looked pretty convincing, perhaps because Pontare is a self-conscious Native himself (although Sami or Lap rather than Indian). Germany was represented by the equally flamboyant comic actor Stefan Raab, whose song had the unforgettable title "Wadde hadde dude da". At least according to the album cover. I always assumed it was "Hadde dadde dude da". But sure, I could be out on a limb here.

The low point was Israel's hippy band Ping Pong, calling for peace with the Arabs, even spouting Syrian flags on stage! I wonder how *they* feel now. But then, I suppose Bashar Assad is better than Al-Qaeda, LOL. Incidentally, political propaganda is verboten in the ESC, but it seems Israel always gets away with it, in both directions...

And the winner is...Denmark, whose Olsen Brothers were (I think) the most elderly winners in the history of the ESC.

This kind of music is probably too soft or boring for most Americans, but as most people in Europe (and Australia), I'm a Euro-junkie! Four stars.

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