Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Small wonder they are extremely rare

I disagree with the statement that the birds included in this book are “described in detail”. It's rather a kind of checklist of observations of rare vagrants to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The photos are somewhat bizarre, often showing museum specimens of quite dead birds “collected” at various places in the Western Palearctic.

Small wonder these birdies are extremely rare if crazy people keep shooting them the moment they show their faces (and beaks) on our distant shores!

Thus, we are forced to endure a photo of a poor stuffed Spectacled Eider, whose only crime was to enter Vardö in Norwegian Finnmark without the proper authorization on 12 December 1933. The White-winged Scoter which peacefully landed on Kemiö in Finland in June 1996 had more luck, since the bird-watcher who spotted it, Sture Lindholm, was armed only with a high-resolution camera.

Not sure how to rate this killing & stuffing extravaganza, but if you're last name is Audubon (or if you're a booklice tired of eating books and want to extend your diet to, say, stuffed eiders), this may be exactly what you've been looking for all these years…

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