This review is from: Encyclopedia of
the Cat (Hardcover)
This is a popularized introduction/encyclopedia for the general reader,
although a strong and abiding love for things feline probably does help. The
book covers all aspects of catdom, from feline evolution to the superhero
Catwoman! Or was it super-villain? You will also encounter Flaurus the
cat-demon, a black cat carrying a swastika (that's a real photo!), “Puss in
Boots”, Lenin with a cat (also a real photo), and a chapter on cats in comics
which doesn't mention Garfield. Copyright problems? Other chapters deal with
cats in modern art, veneration of cats in religious worship, cats and Christianity
(sic) and the inevitable witch-burnings. A final section presents about 60
different cat breeds. A lot of color photos throughout make this the perfect
gift for crazy cat-lovers or precocious kids going through their cattier phase.
Could be somewhat boring for the rest of us…
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