51: The Alien Interview" is an interesting piece of modern mythology
(think Roswell, UFOs and X-Files). While the program claims to be a real
documentary, it's better approached as lighter entertainment. I watched it for
free elsewhere on the web. This DVD apparently contains some extra features,
which I haven't seen.
The backdrop to "The Alien Interview" is that some of the aliens from the crashed saucer at Roswell survived and were taken to an airbase for questioning. There is also a surprisingly elaborate conspiracy theory about a secret deal between the U.S. government and evil aliens. The latter are allowed to abduct humans at will, and in return the military gets alien technology. Area 51 or Dreamland, a real and top secret military installation in Nevada, is where the UFOs are supposedly retro-engineered by our boys. "The Alien Interview" combines the two myths into one, claiming that live aliens are being held at Area 51 alongside their saucers.
The most sensational item in the "documentary" is a short video clip showing a supposed alien in a darkened room. The sound has been removed, but apparently the creature is being interviewed telepathically. Suddenly, the alien gets into a fit and is worked upon by two medical doctors. There, the clip ends. A couple of true believers, including Whitley Strieber and Jim Dilettoso (a supporter of Billy Meier) vouch for the authenticity of the "alien interview". The token sceptics (who work with masks and special effects) say the alien is a dummy, and that they can do better ones. But sure, the hoax is somewhat better than the notorious "alien autopsy movie" shown by Fox Channel years ago...
The real highlight of the show isn't the alien, however. It is the purported whistle-blower, one Victor. He seems to be wearing a werewolf mask (sic) during the interview, but since the lights are dimmed, we can't really be sure. He also spouts large sunglasses and speaks with a distorted voice. Above all, he has a terrible attitude, threatens to terminate the interview at several points, and openly admits that he has sold the alien video for ready cash! He actually ends by saying: "I'm going to collect my money now". LOL.
I admit Victor is pretty entertaining. He is also somewhat smarter than other whistle-blowers. Since the man presumably doesn't know anything about retro-engineering, he flatly claims that the alien can't communicate technological concepts, and instead steers the interview onto a more "spiritual" course. Apparently, the Extraterrestrial Biological Entity or EBE believes in reincarnation. Now, *that's* an easier concept to talk about, especially if you have read two or three cheap New Age paperbacks. That being said, the spiritual aspect of the UFO phenomenon have been part of the myth from the start, so I suppose we can't really fault Vic for blowing the whistle on the quasi-Theosophical connections of the EBEs...
Apparently, this DVD also features a new interview with Victor, made about ten years later. Well, what can I say? Enjoy the show!
Now, where's my money?
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