Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Waders on the mind

A review of "Waders of Europe, Asia and North America" by Stephen Message 

If you have waders (shorebirds) on your mind, this may come in handy. Waders have an annoying tendency to show up at the “wrong” side of the ocean, so a field guide which grabs the bull by its horns (or the wader by its beak) and covers both Europe, Asia and North America is a real find. The main section of the book includes color plates and species presentations at facing pages. Information includes key ID features, behavior, habitat, plumage, confusion species and racial variation. The confusion species are illustrated on the same pages as the species with which they can be confused, so you don't have to be! Or is that confusing? A special section, “Waders in flight” show pretty much the same birds all over again, but now in mint flying condition. Probably a must for the advanced wader/shorebird geek, but perhaps too advanced for those of us who think the sine qua non of bird-watching means feeding crumbs to the local mallards…

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