"Theosophy, India and Co-Masonry" by
Anonymous is an extract from the book "Trail of the Serpent" by the
same author, there called Inquire Within. I haven't read the entire work, and
bought this excerpt mostly by mistake - I assumed it would contain interesting
info on the Co-Masons, which it doesn't.
The excerpt is rather short, confused and extremely rambling. Mrs Anonymous (her real name was Christina Stoddard) is anti-Semitic, anti-Communist and anti-Masonic. Sounds familiar? She rails against the Theosophist Annie Besant for opposing British colonialism in India. Apparently, St Germain, Eliphas Levi and the inevitable Rosicrucians are also involved in a gigantic conspiracy to abolish the family, religion and private property. No less! Stoddard should know, being a former ruling chief of the Mother Temple of Stella Matutina and the RR et AC. In other words, a defector from the Golden Dawn.
The entire book is available on the web, and judging by the content pages, the conspiracy goes back to the Illuminati, the mystery cults of the ancient world, and (I suppose) the Devil himself. The purpose is to awaken the serpent power within, which turns the initiate into a supposed "divinity", except for the fact that said initiate will be remote-controlled by the demonic forces. So instead of becoming like gods, we should remain lowly coolies remote-controlled by Disraeli, the Empress Victoria and their lordly heirs. At least if we're Indian. What fate awaits the Jews is not spelled out in this excerpt...
Not recommended.
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