An incomprehensible plot, bizarre characters and a lot
of in-house gags only cultish fans can decipher. No wonder the critics panned
"The A-Team". But then, what did we expect? As I just said, it's The
A-Team, not an epic poem by John Milton, LOL.
In this re-imagined version of the TV series, Colonel Hannibal and his kooky crew of crazies fly with a tank, go on an original vacation trip to a German lakeshore, and in general make the world unsafe for democracy. Oh, they also destroy most of the LA harbour.
Personally, I found this flick tedious, so I'll only give it two stars. But sure, if you are a hopeless fan of the world's strangest soldiers of fortune, or just hopeless, I'm sure "The A-Team" might just make your day...
Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?
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