Saturday, September 8, 2018

Hail Xenu Imperator!

A review of a South Park button showing a portrait of "Xenu".

This is a button showing the portrait of Emperor Xenu from the classical episode of "South Park" mocking the beliefs of Scientology. While the actual Xenu might not have looked like he does in the animated series (which is entertainment, after all!), defectors from Scientology confirmed long ago that the inner circle of this new religious movement really *do* believe in Xenu, his Galactic Empire, the volcanoes, etc.

Personally, I think some of the *public* books by Scientology founder Hubbard are even crazier than the Xenu story. Why did the man classify the Galactic Empire stuff while publishing a bizarre book like "Scientology: A History of Man"? We will probably never know. But then, Hubbard lived long before "South Park" and the World Wide Web. Those were simpler times, I suppose. Feels like 13 trillion years ago...

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