Sunday, September 8, 2024

More boring than MonsterQuest


"Expedition Dogman" (available at YouTube) is supposedly a "cryptid hunters documentary", but the cliffhanger makes me suspect that it´s really fiction. Indeed, that cliffhanger (about two minutes long) is the only good thing about the entire production, which is otherwise even more dragging than the average episode of MonsterQuest! 

The plot? A team of intrepid cryptid hunters get in touch with one Kyle, a pseudonymous witness never shown (except with his face blurred out) in the Appalachian region of Kentucky. Kyle had an encounter with a werewolf-like creature in the woods, the famed Dogman (a very modern cryptid). The team investigates the area. Several strange things do happen...but all of them off the camera. At one point, a mysterious white figure supposedly walks right across the desolate road on which the team´s car is driving. Weirdly, the team-members react by claiming that there is a "killer bee" inside the car and then starts giggling very loudly?!

One of the hunters supposedly gets a glimpse of the Dogman, but the description is very vague. Large, grey and with some kind of face. OK, sure, no such creature seems to exist in the Appalachians. 

What about the cliffhanger? Well, it turns out that Kyle and his family had a nocturnal visitation, not from a Dogman, but from an antlered Skinwalker, a creature *even more dangerous* (and even less likely) than an upright-walking wolfie. Unless demons are real. And show up on cue from Stash Movies. Which I kind of doubt... 

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