Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Three churches without a name


I actually read about the Two-by-Twos years ago, probably in a rather voluminous book edited by J Gordon Melton. They are also known as "the Church without a Name". Somewhat ironically, there are actually *three* somewhat different churches without a name, since both original leaders of the movement left to form their own (somewhat similar) groups! 

The Two-by-Twos are surprisingly secretive even in the Internet age, and most information on the group apparently comes from ex-members (see also the mostly critical commentaries below the video clip). It seems they hardly have any Internet presence, and very little written material. Membership is unknown, but the group does seem to be international in scope. 

Theologically, there seem to be certain similarities with the Jehovah´s Witnesses, such as an "Arian" view of God and Christ, or the rejection of military service. There are two classes of members, the "workers" and the laity, with the former apparently having to be celibate and engaged in full-time preaching. One very distinctive doctrine is that nobody can be saved except through *hearing* the Two-by-Twos preach, so just reading the Bible isn´t enough!

In the commentary thread, many ex-members accuse the movement of being a cult. They certainly seem rather strange. 



  1. Might as well state "no one can be saved except those who read the Ashtar Command -Timeless blog". Anyone can rent a room, grab a microphone and preach whatever. And frequently do. At some point I have to ask "what are people thinking???!!!" Do we follow some guru or think for ourselves, weighing the opinions and beliefs that surround us? Not to mention physical reality. Surely the wise do not seek to exalt themselves or manipulate another's consciousness. But as soon as I heard they split off from the original group based on "a revelation from God" and the new "Omega gospel" or what have you supersedes Jesus' "Alpha Gospel" then it became clear...call the psychiatrist!

    1. https://abcnews.go.com/US/secretive-christian-sect-sexual-abuse-decades-congregants-allege/story?id=111059778#:~:text=Interest%20Successfully%20Added-,Secretive%20Christian%20sect%20ignored%20sexual%20abuse%20for%20decades%2C%20congregants%20allege,and%20abuse%20claims%20spanning%20generations.&text=In%20a%20secretive%20Christian%20sect,are%20now%20coming%20to%20light.

  2. I think the Omega Gospel guy was the original founder who broke with his own movement when they refused to accept it...sticking instead to his *original* (Alpha) message! Crazy, too.

  3. Yes, there is content on YouTube about the sex abuse/cult allegations, too.
