Monday, September 23, 2024

Liu Shaoqi: Hippie of ancient China?


- You have to love one another indiscriminately...
and build larger fortifications!

Not sure why everyone thinks the Mohists were "the hippies of ancient China". From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

>>>Central elements of Mohist thought include advocacy of a unified ethical and political order grounded in a consequentialist ethic emphasizing impartial concern for all; active opposition to military aggression and injury to others; devotion to utility and frugality and condemnation of waste and luxury; support for a centralized, authoritarian state led by a virtuous, benevolent sovereign and managed by a hierarchical, merit-based bureaucracy; and reverence for and obedience to Heaven (Tian, literally the sky) and the ghosts worshiped in traditional folk religion. 

>>>Mohist ethics and epistemology are characterized by a concern with finding objective standards that will guide judgment and action reliably and impartially so as to produce beneficial, morally right consequences.

Sounds like the Liu Shaoqi wing of the Chinese Communist Party. Minus the ghosts, I suppose!

Reading this entry as I write this:


UPDATE. OK, that was freakin´ boring, probably won´t read all of it. But see this shorter entry:

Infuence of social origins on Mohist thought

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