Thursday, September 12, 2024

No connection


Two videos about Orthodoxy from a Catholic YouTube channel. The first is about Andrew Tate, who apparently created some stir when he participated in the Eastern Orthodox Easter celebration earlier this year (Tate claims to be a convert to Islam). Not sure why *anyone* would claim Tate, tbh, but there you go. 

The second clip deals with an ongoing organizational schism within Eastern Orthodoxy, with the Russian Orthodox Church breaking communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. It seems the Russian Church is trying to take over African parishes sorting under the (Eastern Orthodox) Patriarchate of Alexandria, which is still in communion with "Constantinople", essentially creating a parallel structure to the "official" ones.

Make of this what you wish.  

1 comment:

  1. Islam passar väl bra ihop med Tate. Bigami, besatthet av materiell lyx, samt vita sexslavar(misstankarna om det håller på att utredas).
    Tate hade kommit bra överens med pashorna i ottomanska riket. Eller med dagen prinsar i Saudiarabien och Dubai som betalar miljonbelopp för att flyga in europeiskor som man förnedrar å det grövsta.
    "Dubai Porta-potties" är dessvärre ett etablerat begrepp numera.
