Sunday, September 22, 2024



 President-elect Anura Dissayanaka
Credit: Mevindu Moonasigha

Look who won the recent presidential elections in Sri Lanka. I´m old enough to remember when these guys were considered the worst of the worst terrorists, up there with Sendero or Abu Nidal! Or even the LTTE...

Communists don´t usually take power by winning democratic elections. The second link goes to a Marxist blog (which I don´t think supports the JVP) explaining the crisis in Sri Lanka.

Anura Dissayanake is Sri Lanka´s new president 

Sri Lanka´s debt default


  1. Great quote: "They tried to bury us, didn't know we were seeds."

  2. I agree, I wonder if he came up with that himself or whether it´s some ancient Lankan poetry? It´s almost too good...
