Monday, September 16, 2024

God´s word unmasked?


A weird Afro-centrist-type video from YouTube, trying to solve one of the more original Bible contradictions: if everyone except Noah´s family and the animals on the ark were killed in the Flood, how could the Nephilim have survived? After all, the Bible mentions giants in post-Flood narratives, for instance Goliath or the Anakim. So where did they come from? 

The narrator reaches the conclusion that one of Ham´s wives must have been part-Nephilim, and off we go into la-la land. Note also the bizarre theological consequences. If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, how come he didn´t spot the fact that one of the women onboard the ark was carrying the Nephilim genes? According to the narrator, the point of the Flood was precisely to expurge the Nephilim and all humans carrying their genes! 

So God the Nephilim-slayer had to start all over again, this time commanding the Israelites to genocide the Canaanites, which in this scenario were carriers of the contaminated DNA. And as we all know, that didn´t work either...a lot of Canaanites in later chapters...

And yeah, it´s a bit peculiar that almost everyone is depicted as Black, including the fallen angels! Also, the headlines on this particular channel are *extreme* click-bait. Unless we´re dealing with an actual heresy. OK, maybe I will watch a few more of these clips!   

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