Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Credit: Luis Guizo (Pexels)

Den här skiten bara växer och växer. Vänsterpartiet vill förresten förbjuda telefonförsäljning helt och hållet. Sällan har ett "flumförslag" känts så relevant! 

Redan 2013 förbjöd domstol S att lämna ut medlemslistor

"De ruinerades av S-lotteriet"

Kombispel utesluts från etikorganisation


  1. So the SD party sold lottery tickets to fund their organization? Plenty of people now in debt, losing about everything except the kitchen sink to the collection agencies? Telemarketers convincing old ladies they can get rich for a small investment? Here it's cash only, no credit cards for the State run Lotteries to deter just such a situation. Still, people can go broke at the casino. The odds are always in favor of the "House" and one eventually loses. Entertainment? Maybe. I personally wish to stay safe, so don't gamble.

  2. Well, the Social Democratic Party (SAP). In Sweden, "SD" stands for the Swedish Democrats!

  3. Yes I did some homework, Andersson is S/SAP, not SD. My bad. Thinking of where I'd be...hmmm probably Moderates. Don't shoot me!

  4. Nah, the Moderates are the Conservatives. ;-) You would probably be Green Party, Left Party or even Social Democrats! ;-)

  5. Here we have two viable parties, Republican and Democrat. I identify as a Democrat. The Green Party exists to basically shave off votes from those two. Libertarians, Far lefties and far righties really have no draw except for the diehards in each. But this I presume you know, having been here for some time? Labor is favored by the Dems, worker's rights and health care for all etc. We are so polarized right now. But yeah, if Social Democrat matches, in theory, equality on all levels for all humans (and animals too) regardless of gender, quantity of hair (or fur) then that would sit well. It appears the far righties get more mainstream press today than the middle of the road. It really does look like Harris wins in November. Age of voting is 18 so many Gen alpha's (?) will have a lot to say if they get out and actually vote. Hard to grasp someone born in 2005 will have a voice that could change the world. The problem too is the quality of candidates. Takes a certain kind of personality to be a politician. Idealists are eaten alive.

  6. Tramsvänster-etablissemamhet använder sig av diverse importerat löske för att terrorisera den inhemska befolkningen till underkastelse. Harmlösa gamla fattigpensionärer är redan tämligen.underkastade men lösket kan åtminstone blåsa dessa på sina sista slantar,till gagn för sosse-adeln. Gamla äckliga svennar som ändå snart ska dö. Säkert rasister. Varför bry sig ens?
